Data Products

Data is a valuable resource in open ecosystems, but handling data directly via spreadsheets is often a cumbersome and complex process. Spreadsheets often hide the stories within the data, or obscure the trends that you want to see. They can also get out of date quickly when you need real-time access to data.

Platformable’s data products help you access, analyse, use and reuse data in more accessible ways. For each of our datasets, we offer a range of data products that can help you more easily navigate our data.

We can also work with you to design and build data products that meet your needs, based off our datasets or your own data.

Open Banking/ Open Finance Trends Report

Quarterly global trends report summarising all bank platforms, fintech API providers, APIs, business models, partnerships, and use cases in open banking and open finance.

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Data used to create the trends report is provided with each edition
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API Industry Trends Report

Quarterly global trends report summarising all new API industry tool providers, new customer segments, new product features, partnerships, and investments.

Data used to create the trends report is provided with each edition
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Open Banking Value Tool

This tool provides a collection of open banking success stories. Each case can be filtered by value generated, who benefits and list of regions. Save your favourite case studies directly to a presentation deck.

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Data used to create the OB Value Tool is updated monthly
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Open Banking/ Open Finance API Product Pricing Tool

Coming soon

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Open Banking Regulation Tracker

Coming soon

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Our process

We can work with your organisation to take a dataset and apply a design thinking approach to understand who needs to use your data, and in what formats make most sense. We help you through a discovery phase of understanding your user needs from your data, and we generate ideas for how to meet those needs in a variety of data product formats (dashboards, static/spotlight profiles and reports, interactive single page apps, trends reports, interactive ecosystem maps, landscape directories, wizards, widgets, APIs, and so on). 


We can also help white-label and customise our existing data products to provide you with a branded version that meets the needs of stakeholders in your ecosystem.

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This phase lays the foundation for user-centred product development

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Scope and MVP

Refining ideas through collaborative approach to produce a minimum viable product (MVP) and turn them into actionable features that provide real value to our users

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Full scope and MVP: By employing impact and effort analysis, we  prioritize user-aligned features, define the MVP,  and efficiently launch the product while  optimizing its impactHolistic agile development plan: Sustainable growth requires a comprehensive agile  development plan involving all business areas  beyond just the development team - encompassing  operations, marketing, and customer service

What our clients say about us

Platformable reviewed our research and took our sketches for a self-guided wizard and created an interactive web app that allows API providers to define characteristics for the API Terms of Service. The wizard then creates a document with clauses matching the chosen characteristics, and behind the scenes we collect data on what types of clauses are most popular amongst our anonymous users. Our funding provider was amazed by how this gave our research life and real world use.

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