Privacy Policy

At Platformable we care deeply about your privacy and have chosen our website platform, email marketing and survey service providers carefully to ensure that their values are aligned with ours and that the security of your personal information is paramount. We believe you should always be in control of the data about you and can access it at any time.



Strapi is the content management system used by Platformable. It does not store any information about you and does not have any cookies. Strapi privacy policy.


Email subscription

Platformable collects your email address to send you updates about our products and our services, or to add you to our waiting list for new product releases.

For our newsletter, you ‘double’ opt-in to the services, meaning we send you an email to confirm your subscription, and you can opt out at any time.

We do not share your personal information with or sell it to third-party marketers.

Our data processor for email collection and marketing is MailerLite (UAB ‘MailerLite’, J. Basanavičiaus 15, LT-03108 Vilnius, Lithuania). MailerLite’s privacy policy.

We will use the email addresses around once or twice per month to send you newsletters. If you have signed up for our waiting list, we will send you occasional newsletters to inform you of our product roadmap.


Data gathered by this website

We do not collect any personal or identifiable information about visitors of this website.

We include a contact form which requests name and email address and provides details for subject and notes if you wish to discuss something with us directly. This is sent to us via gmail and we respond directly as per any email received. We do not add you to our newsletter via this form. Once the email is responded, we archive it in gmail and we do not use it for any other purposes. You may request us to delete this email history at any time. Google workspace and cloud data policy agreements are outlined here

Website analytics are collected through Plausible which does not collect personal or invasive data about you, nor does it use cookies and it is GDPR compliant.

Plausible's data policy describes how anonymous website data is collected.



Calendly booking

We use Calendly to offer calendar appointment bookings to website visitors. Calendly does use cookies and a cookie notice is displayed in the Calendly widget. We are in the process of turning off this widget on blog posts and will only show the widget on the contact us page. We do not store or make use of email addresses from calendar bookings other than to confirm appointment or to followup with any information that you request. We do not use these emails to add you to our newsletter. Calendly's GDPR and privacy policies are described here.


How we use this data

We use email and website analytics data:

  • To improve our products and services, including addressing comments and feedback on our content and products
  • To contact you in response to a specific enquiry
  • To add you to our newsletter
  • To contact you via email


How we store this data

We use the following third-party service providers named below to process and store your data:

  • MailerLite (UAB ‘MailerLite’), which we use to manage email marketing subscriber lists and send emails to our subscribers. MailerLite’s privacy policy.

Platformable has GDPR processor agreements with MailerLite.

Permissions to access any personal data are allocated by the Data Protection Officer, Mark Boyd.


Cookies on the website

A cookie is a small file stored on your computer or device. Cookies do not provide access to your computer. You can use your web browser’s settings to refuse cookies if you wish.

Our website only has cookies through Cloudflare that are technical cookies for speed and image optimisation and security and don’t collect any personal data.

The cookies on our website are:

  • Cloudflare for secure browsing and site loading speed

__cfduid – Cloudflare

__cfduid – Cloudflare

Links to external websites

Our website may contain links to other websites. We have no control of websites outside of We are not responsible for the content of other websites, or for the protection or privacy of data you submit to them.


Right to be forgotten

If you request we will remove all of your details from our databases and services. Send your request to