Platformable Endorses the Health Data Governance Principles

How this helps foster open ecosystems
Why we recommend
As a leading voice in the advocacy, development, and support of Open Health ecosystems, Platformable has endorsed the Health Data Governance Principles developed by Transform Health in collaboration with various international organisations.
The Health Data Governance Principles provide an equity and human rights-based approach to collecting and using data at national, regional, and international levels. The principles focus on three critical areas of health data governance:
- the protection of people,
- the promotion of health value, and
- the prioritisation of equity.
At Platformable, we are committed to upholding and advancing the use of Health Data Governance Principles through our work in Open Health and Health Data Governance. Our health data governance model incorporates these principles to help organisations build effective data governance frameworks that treat health data as a public good.
Health data is a valuable asset that benefits communities and enhances economies, particularly when data is managed in an ethical, equitable, responsible, and reusable way.
In our endorsement of the Health Data Governance Principles, we join a host of international organisations that understand the importance of developing a globally standardised approach to health data governance for organisations, governments, and other stakeholders using and managing health data.
We have also integrated the health data governance principles into our health data governance online and in-person training courses that support organisations to develop their health data governance frameworks, models, policies and processes.
To see how we incorporate the health data governance principles into our data governance frameworks, check out our health data governance online course at Platformable Academy.

Eric Rochman